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Michelangelo van Dam:
PHPSrbija Conference 2016 review
Jun 02, 2016 @ 17:56:40

Michelangelo van Dam has posted a review of a recent conference he spoke at - the PHP Srbija Conference 2016. it shares a bit about the conference in general and some of his own experiences as a speaker.

This past weekend I was invited to speak at PHP Srbija Conference 2016 which was held in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia in the south-east of Europe.

He details some of the travels he took to get to the conference, some of the other speakers in attendance and the area where the conference was held. He also covers some of the sessions that were presenting including the keynote from Chris Hartjes and talks from PHP notables like Sebastian Bergmann, Rafael Dohms and Marco Pivetta. He makes a definite recommendation to attend future events to anyone out there not able to attend this year and how he felt privileged to be a part of this year's conference.

tagged: phpsrbija conference 2016 pc16 review speaker

Link: http://www.dragonbe.com/2016/06/phpsrbija-conference-2016-review.html

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