Latest PECL Releases:
- redis 6.2.0
--- Sponsors ---A-VISION Advisering - Audiomack - Avtandil Kikabidze - Geoffrey Hoffman - Object Cache Pro for WordPress - Open LMS - Salvatore Sanfilippo - Ty Karok - Vanessa Santana -
- A special thanks to Jakub Onderka for nearly two dozen performance improvements in this release!
--- 6.2.0 ---
- Fix arguments order for SET command [f73f5fc] (Pavlo Yatsukhnenko)
- Fix error length calculation and UB sanity check [e73130fe] (michael-grunder)
- Invalidate slot cache on failed cluster connections [c7b87843] (James Kennedy)
- Don't cast a uint64_t to a long [faa4bc20] (michael-grunder)
- Fix potential NULL dereference [43e6cab8] (peter15914)
- Print cursor as unsigned 64 bit integer [138d07b6] (Bentley O'Kane-Chase)
- Fix XAUTOCLAIM argc when sending COUNT [0fe45d24] (michael-grunder)
- Added
[fa3eb006, cbaf095f, 056c2dbe] (Pavlo Yatsukhnenko, Michael Grunder) - Added getWithMeta method [9036ffca, 36ab5850] (Pavlo Yatsukhnenko)
- Implement GETDEL command for RedisCluster [d342e4ac] (michael-grunder)
- Introduce Redis::OPT_PACK_IGNORE_NUMBERS option [f9ce9429, 29e5cf0d] (michael-grunder)
- Implement Valkey >= 8.1 IFEQ SET option [a2eef77f] (michael-grunder)
- Implement KeyDB's EXPIREMEMBER[AT] commands [4cd3f593] (michael-grunder)
- Fix phpdoc type of $pattern [5cad2076] (OHZEKI Naoki)
- Better documentation for the $tlsOptions parameter of RedisCluster [8144db37] (Jacob Brown)
- Add details to the option doc block [abb0f6cc] (michael-grunder)
- Update CodeQL to v3 [41e11417, a10bca35] (Pavlo Yatsukhnenko)
- Add PHP 8.4 to CI [6097e7ba] (Pavlo Yatsukhnenko)
- Pin ubuntu version for KeyDB [eb66fc9e, 985b0313] (michael-grunder)
- Windows CI: update setup-php-sdk to v0.10 and enable caching [f89d4d8f] (Christoph M. Becker)
- Reduce buffer size for signed integer [044b3038, 35c59880] (Bentley O'Kane-Chase)
- Create a strncmp wrapper [085d61ec] (michael-grunder)
- Refactor and avoid allocation in rawcommand method [f68544f7] (Jakub Onderka)
- Use defines for callback growth + sanity check [42a42769] (michael-grunder)
- Switch from linked list to growing array for reply callbacks [a551fdc9] (Jakub Onderka)
- Reuse redis_sock_append_auth method [be388562] (Jakub Onderka)
- Switch pipeline_cmd from smart_str to smart_string [571ffbc8] (Jakub Onderka)
- Remove unused redis_debug_response method from library.c [7895636a] (Jakub Onderka)
- Optimise HMGET method [2434ba29] (Jakub Onderka)
- Avoid unnecessary allocation in redis_hset_cmd [aba09933] (Jakub Onderka)
- Avoid unnecessary allocation in redis_hdel_cmd [4082dd07] (Jakub Onderka)
- Avoid unnecessary allocation in redis_key_varval_cmd [99650e15] (Jakub Onderka)
- Use zval_get_tmp_string method that is faster when provided zval is string [f6906470] (Jakub Onderka)
- Optimise constructing Redis command string [2a2f908f] (Jakub Onderka)
- If no command is issued in multi mode, return immutable empty array [5156e032] (Jakub Onderka)
- Test for empty pipeline and multi [426de2bb] (Jakub Onderka)
- Optimise method array_zip_values_and_scores [400503b8] (Jakub Onderka)
- Faster parameter parsing in redis_key_cmd and redis_key_long_val_cmd [83a19656] (Jakub Onderka)
- Use immutable empty array in Redis::hKeys [3a2f3f45] (Jakub Onderka)
- Use immutable empty array in Redis::exec [60b5a886] (Jakub Onderka)
- Do not allocate empty string or string with one character [64da891e] (Jakub Onderka)
- Initialize arrays with known size [99beb922] (Jakub Onderka)
- Use smart str for constructing pipeline cmd [b665925e] (Jakub Onderka)
- timezonedb 2025.2
Updated to version 2025.2 (2025b) - swoole 6.0.2
- Added `SwooleThread::yield()`, `SwooleThread::activeCount()`, and `SwooleThread::isAlive()` methods. @matyhtf - Fixed an issue where using single-thread mode and setting heartbeat in `SWOOLE_THREAD` mode would cause exceptions. @matyhtf - Fixed a segmentation fault issue after enabling `swoole.enable_fiber_mock`. @NathanFreeman - Fixed an integer overflow issue in the Redis server. @yannaingtun - The Redis server currently only supports the `RESP2` protocol. When formatting strings that do not comply with this protocol, an exception will be thrown instead of logging. @matyhtf - protobuf 4.29.4
* See for release notes. - couchbase 4.2.7
Fixes =====- Update core to 1.0.6 (#206).