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Chris Hartjes' Blog:
How Easy Are Web Services in CakePHP 1.2? Really Easy!
Mar 15, 2007 @ 13:54:18

In a new post to his blog today, Chris Hartjes points out how easy it is to use web services in the latest release of the CakePHP framework (1.2).

In a previous post I talked about how to use the built-in web services in CakePHP 1.1.x.x. A very popular piece too according to my site statistics too. Well, I've discovered that it's even easier in Cake 1.2.x.x. I bugged Nate via IM for some tips on how to put it together, and it's really very simple.

He notes that the only real change from before is that the handling is now done with extensions rather than routing. He includes a simple "Hello world" type example to illustrate the point, using an XML template (ctp) to help create the output.

tagged: cakephpframework webservice easy extension route cakephpframework webservice easy extension route


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