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Community News:
PHP UK Conference 2012 - "Blind Bird" Tickets until Dec. 4th
Nov 15, 2011 @ 17:32:29

As a reminder, the PHP UK Conference (2012) still has their "Blind Bird" tickets on sale until the 4th of December for £90:

Purchase blindbird 2012 conference registration(s) for Friday 24th and/or Saturday 25th February - available at this price until 4th December 2011. After this time the earlybird 2012 conference registration for Friday 24th February will be available at £120/£210 excluding VAT, with only the full price of £140/£250 excluding VAT available from 3rd January 2012.

The conference is two days in London with over 30 talks and 25 speakers. The schedule hasn't bene released yet (hence the "blind bird" pricing) but if it's anything like previous years, it will be packed with excellent sessions on a variety of subjects, from beginner to intermediate.

tagged: phpuk2012 conference blindbird ticket price


Philip Norton's Blog:
PHPNW11 Blind Bird Tickets Closing Soon
Jun 14, 2011 @ 15:12:50

Philip Norton reminds you that the "Blind Bird" pricing for tickets to this year's PHP North West conference is almost coming to a close - the speaker list will be announced soon!

According to the PHPNW11 blog they had a 50% increase in paper submissions from PHPNW10, which means there will be an excellent range of talks on offer, but also a lot of papers to review before deciding on the schedule. So if you want to get in the bargain price of £75 for a fantastic two day conference then you had better get your tickets as soon as you can. After this week the early bird tickets will be released and the price will increase.

You can pick up both the Blind Bird and Tutorial day tickets right now from the ticket page of the PHPNW11 site.

tagged: phpnw11 phpnorthwest conference blindbird ticket deadline


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