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Debuggable Blog:
Programming Psychology - Return home early
Apr 28, 2008 @ 19:36:43

Felix Geisendorfer is taking an interesting approach to defining programming in this new post to the Debuggable blog - he's coming at it more from the level of the perception the programmer has about writing good code.

I believe understanding the patterns in your own thinking will by far make the biggest impact on how good you will get as a programmer. Forget design patterns, forget unit testing, forget all those functions you know. Important is to question why they exist and how they could be improved.

He illustrates through a few examples what he means. He describes one such thought method, the "return home early" process - basically, if something looks too complex for its own good, it probably is. He offers a different way of thinking about it too, a more visual way that can help simplify things even more by laying out the pieces and seeing where they all fit.

tagged: psychology programming return home early complexity simple visualize


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