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Brian Moon's Blog:
Stupid PHP Tricks: Normalizing SimpleXML Data
Jun 03, 2008 @ 14:34:22

Brian Moon has a "stupid PHP trick" posted to his blog today - normalizing SimpleXML data you've pulled in from just about any external source.

Anyhow, one annoying thing about SimpleXML has to do with caching. When using web services, we often cache the contents we get back. We were having a problem where we would get an error about a SimpleXML node not existing.

They were using memcache to store the information but came across problems when their code tried to use a (sometimes) empty tag. He gives two solutions - one using a recursive function that identifies the empty items and the other that encodes then decodes the object to and from JSON, keeping the values intact.

tagged: trick stupid simplexml normalize json recursive empty tag


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