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Site News:
The Move to Jobs.PHPDeveloper.org
Aug 30, 2008 @ 14:34:40

Based on some feedback that I got from readers a little while back (and some of my own thoughts before that), I've decided to split off the job postings to take them out of the main feed. Several people felt that they distract from the main portion of the site - the news.

They haven't gone to far, though - as you'll notice, there's now a "Jobs Feed" on the sidebar that you can subscribe to and get the latest jobs posted with us. This number is growing more and more every day, so it's a great place to keep up with. We've also moved them over to their own subdomain, jobs.phpdeveloper.org to keep things nice and tidy.

From here on out, if you want to find out about the latest job openings, you'll need to subscribe to the new jobs feed or check out the new subdomain, jobs.phpdeveloper.org to keep up with the latest postings. We'll still post the weekly summaries here in the main feed each Saturday for those that just want the overview.

tagged: subdomain sitenews feed


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