Cal Evans and Ivo Jansch have started up a bit of a contest for those owners of elePHPants out there - the elePHPant World Tour (ewt08):
Here's the basic premise. It seems obvious that elePHPants love to travel. Equally obvious is the fact that a lot of PHP developers love to take pictures. So, let's combine the two. If you spot an elePHPant while traveling, like near a landmark, or making it's way through the airport, snap a picture. Upload it to flickr and tag it with ewt08. Thanks in no small part to a bit of Web 2.0 magic and Wordpress, we'll steal the picture from flickr and post it on the blog.
In January of 2009 the PHP Women group will take a look at all of the photos and pick the best ones. There's multiple prizes so far including a copy of Zend Studio Professional and admission to the Dutch PHP Conference '09 (check out the about page for more).