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Michelangelo van Dam's Blog:
Zend Framework Bughuntday review
Nov 12, 2008 @ 13:53:56

Michelangelo van Dam has posted his summary of the recent BugHuntDay that happened in Roosendaal (the Netherlands) this past weekend:

Bughuntday is a whole day developers can come together to start fixing bugs for open-source frameworks and libraries. This Saturday we started these series with Zend Framework, a hugely adopted PHP framework within enterprise and professional web application development.

He also includes the slides from the presentation and a video of Jurien Stutterheim's talk introducing everyone to testing and the Zend Framework. There's pictures of the event on Flickr too.

Check here for an updated video from the event.

tagged: bughuntday review zendframework slides flickr testing bug fix


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