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Brian DeShong's Blog:
Zend_Log_Writer_Mail: "Ready for Recommendation"
Nov 17, 2008 @ 20:23:29

Brian DeShong has posted an update for his Zend_Log_Writer_Mail component of the Zend Framework - its now "Ready for Recommendation".

Almost a year ago, I proposed a really simple Zend Framework module, Zend_Log_Writer_Mail. [...] I’ve received a great deal of feedback, and have only recently committed myself to really pouring over that feedback to polish up the proposal. Thanks to everyone that commented! So, as of tonight, I polished the code up, made what I felt to be the most worthwhile changes, and marked it as “Ready for Recommendation.”

You can find out more about the component and leave your own thoughts via the proposal page on the Zend Framework site.

tagged: zendlogwritermail recommendation proposal component zendframework


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