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Brandon Savage's Blog:
Picking The Right Tools For The Job
Jan 13, 2009 @ 23:59:28

Brandon Savage has made a few suggestions that can help you with one of the most important parts of any development project - picking the right tool for the job.

You'd never dig a drainage ditch with a pitchfork, or plug a drywall hole with chewing gum. Instead, you'd pick an appropriate tool and you'd use it to accomplish the job (a shovel, or some spackle, for example). So why do software engineers often spend so much time fixing problems with the wrong tools at hand?

He includes three common issues and ways you can overcome/stay away from them:

  • Lack of knowledge regarding available tools.
  • Inability to implement solutions due to lack of resources.
  • Unwillingness to implement a solution.

Of the three, the last one is possibly the most scary - don't let personal feelings or your dedication to Tool X be your undoing and hurt your application in the long run.

tagged: right tool pick knowledge implement resource unwilling


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