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Maarten Balliauw's Blog:
PHPLinq 0.4.0 released on CodePlex!
Jan 29, 2009 @ 17:04:29

According to this new post from Maarten Balliauw, the latest version of the PHPLinq tool has been released - version 0.4.0.

PHPLinq is a class library for PHP, based on the idea of Microsoft’s LINQ technology. LINQ is short for language integrated query, a component in the .NET framework which enables you to perform queries on a variety of data sources like arrays, XML, SQL server, ... These queries are defined using a syntax which is very similar to SQL.

Some illustrations are included - querying an array, performing a database query and finding data in an XML file. You can find out more about the tool and download this latest version from the project homepage.

tagged: codeplex phplinq query data source xml database array codeplex


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