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Lorna Mitchell's Blog:
PHPNW TestFest
May 12, 2009 @ 17:57:42

Lorna Mitchell has posted about her own experiences at her local TestFest as hosted by the PHP North West group in Manchester.

Yesterday saw the PHP North West User Group hold their first Test Fest in Manchester. As a relatively young user group (at less than a year old) with not a single @php.net email address between us, this was an ambitious venture. Scott MacVicar very kindly offered to come and be our mentor - to show us around PHP and get us started writing tests, and in fact he did very well and everyone was able to begin quite quickly.

She mentions the fourteen attendees, eighty-four tests created and the encouragement it gave for those developers to write even more. You can see photos taken at the event here.

tagged: testfest testfest09 phpnorthwest phpnw usergroup


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