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Lauren Cooney's Blog:
Fighting the Good Fight (for the Community)
May 14, 2009 @ 13:46:05

Lauren Cooney has a new post to her blog today talking about the efforts that Microsoft is making to work with the communities of several different languages - PHP included - in their Web Platform project.

At Microsoft I find it’s sometimes a mixed bag. The terminology that I use is that we’re a huge ship – and it takes awhile to get people in line to move that ship in the right direction. Cal Evans outlined this beautifully in a blog entry recently – and I think he gives a fair assessment of where we’re at and some of the things we could do to improve. That said, our teams that are driving the Microsoft Web Platform are really working to nail this. We started out with a vision – a very simple statement with lots of work that goes on behind the scenes.

She talks about improvements made and enhancements added to the Web Platform tool including the Installer and the inclusion of PHP into it. They're not stopping there, though - she's asking for feed back (here, here or here) on what you think and what should be considered for the future of the project.

tagged: community webplatform microsoft


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