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2009 PHP TestFest
Jul 09, 2009 @ 16:49:23

The main PHP.net website has a new update about the success of this year's TestFest event:

So finally we are at the end of the 2009 PHP TestFest. It has been an outstanding success with the coverage increasing by about 2.5% overall and 887 new tests contributed in the TestFest SVN repository of which 637 have already been added to PHP CVS. [...] There still are few loose ends to tie up - the TestFest SVN repository will be closed for contributions later this week and the last few tests will be moved into the main PHP repository.

They have a few prizes to give out (elePHPants and TestFest mugs) to hand out to randomly selected test contributors. Several notes of thanks also go out from the organizers to groups like IBM, iBuilidings, Zend, Microsoft and Zend.

tagged: wrapup testfest09


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