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Robert Basic's Blog:
Playing with Zend_Navigation and routes
Aug 10, 2009 @ 13:13:12

In this new post to his blog Robert Basic looks at the Zend_Navigation component of the Zend Framework and how it can be used to more correctly handle bad requests.

I wanted to set up routes in such way that when a user requests a page, all requests for non-existing controllers/modules are directed to a specific controller (not the error controller). In other words, if we have controllers IndexController, FooController and PageController, anything but http://example.com/index and http://example.com/foo is directed to the PageController.

Using the Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Regex component he creates an expression that matches anything but the two allowed controllers and pushes them back over to the "page" controller. The new route is put in place via an addRoute call. He also shows how to use the Zend_Navigation component to manage the navigation structure for this application, defining a PHP array of the nested sitemap if the site.

tagged: zendnavigation route regex tree


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