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Michelangelo van Dam's Blog:
Bughuntday: yes, you can!
Sep 24, 2009 @ 14:01:14

In a new post to his blog Michelangelo van Dam reminds developers everywhere about the Zend Framework "Bug Hunt Day" effort to make the framework an even better tool to develop applications.

Last week Thursday the start was given to Zend Framework's Bughuntday and it turned out to be a huge success, as mentioned by Chief Architect Matthew Weier O'Phinney on Zend's DevZone website. Over a hunderd bugs were squashed leading up to the release of Zend Framework 1.9.3.

He talks a bit about what the goal of the Bug Hunt Days are all about and a few ways you can help by closing out some of the bugs marked open in the Issue Tracker.

tagged: zendframework bughuntday bug fix


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