New on the Internet Super Hero blog today Ulf Wendel has a huge post with a complete listing of all one hundred and twenty different kinds of statistics that the mysqlnd driver for PHP can gather during its connections:
This is about twice as much as it was when I blogged about the 59 tuning screws for mysqlnd. While the basics have not not changed and the API calls for accessing the data remained the same (see previous posting) the new figures have never been described before.
Each of the items on the list is described and some include some sample use cases. Here's just a few:
- packets_sent, packets_received
- bytes_received_eof_packets, packets_received_eof
- bytes_received_rset_field_meta_packet, packets_received_rset_field_metabytes_received_change_user_packet, packets_received_change_user
- result_set_queries
- slow_queries
- flushed_normal_sets, flushed_ps_sets
- rows_fetched_from_client_ps_cursor
- connect_success, connect_failure
- in_middle_of_command_close
- command_buffer_too_small