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Bruno Terkaly's Blog:
Highly Scalable PHP - Step 01 - Introduction
Dec 23, 2009 @ 14:35:08

New on his MSDN blog Bruno Terkaly has started up a series on working with PHP on a cloud-computing platform, in this case he chooses the Azure Windows platform.

This blog entry is about running PHP in the cloud. Why would you want to run PHP in the cloud? We will work with our Azure data storage constructs (Blogs, Queues, Tables).

They use the PHP SDK for Windows Azure to connect to and use the application out in the cloud instance they create to run IIS and FastCGI to run a PHP application. He shows how to install the needed software and how to use the Expression Web software to create a simple site and upload it to the cloud instance.

tagged: scalable application cloud azure windows


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