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Zend Developer Zone:
Revamp, Rebuild, Redo, Re-Everything (and a Site Crash)
Feb 11, 2010 @ 14:19:27

Jayson Maynard (recently taking over as the Editor-in-Chief of the Zend Developer Zone) has resolved to make the resource into a better place for PHP developers to find both the introductory content and information on more advanced topics. He talks about it in a recent post:

We will be rebuilding ZDZ from the ground up and in full public view of the community -- to act as a learning experience and a showcase for PHP best practices. [...] And the best way for it to be a showcase is for us to make all of the process of working on the infrastructure completely transparent; to make the artifacts (code, scripts, configuration, machine images) readily available and to allow contributions from the community.

There's some more specific topics he mentions that the site will cover including new features on articles and community interaction, a new infrastructure and new processes including things like Agile development, testing and deployment. In one of his first steps to better the site, however, he learned a lesson the hard way when he tried to upgrade a package and it brought the site to a grinding halt.

tagged: rebuild bestpractices community openprocess


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