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Matthew Weier O'Phinney's Blog:
A Simple Resource Injector for ZF Action Controllers
Mar 22, 2010 @ 20:17:50

Matthew Weier O'Phinney has posted an answer to a request a fellow PHP community member had about using bootstrap resources in actions in your Zend Framework application. This post shows how it can be done in a proof of concept.

Basically, he'd like to see any resource initialized by the bootstrap immediately available as simply a public member of his action controller. So, for instance, if you were using the "DB" resource in your application, your controller could access it via $this->db. I quickly drafted up a proof of concept for him using an action helper.

The resource injection helper extends the Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Abstract and allows you to name the resources you'd like pushed into the controller as a part of the bootstrap process. There's an issue with the approach, though - lack of controller over what's actually injected so he modified it to push the dependency list in from the controller rather than limiting it to the bootstrap.

tagged: zendframework resource injection action controller


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