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Zend Developer Zone:
Results of April's ZF Bug Hunt Days
Apr 23, 2010 @ 15:22:35

On the Zend Developer Zone Matthew Weier O'Phinney has posted the results for the latest Zend Framework Bug Hunt Days, an effort to correct as many issues with the Zend Framework.

This month's hunt was quite active, and we managed to close more than 70 issues, ranging over 19 components. I'm pleased to announce this month's top three contributors: Christian Albrecht, who closed 38(!) issues, Juozas Kaziukenas, who closed 17 issues, and Benjamin Eberlei, who closed 7 issues.

Matthew gets into a bit of detail about each of these top contributors and the total of 62 issues they worked and closed over the two days.

tagged: zendframework bughuntdays results


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