Ahmed Shreef has a post he's written up about using SOAP services in PHP (specifically in a CakePHP-based application using some Zend Framework libraries) and drops in a helpful hint at the end about getting .NET clients to play nicely with it.
Last week, I was working on implementing a SOAP server for one of our projects at work, this web service was built to be consumed by some other software that is built using .Net . It wasn't that easy and I faced some problems that made me go crazy for some hours and I wanted to share them here with the solutions.
He includes two snippets of code from his application - one is the SoapController that handles the incoming actions and the other is the handler class with a sample "doSomething" method to return an array. This is where the problem lies. .NET doesn't seem to understand the "Array" return type so it was throwing errors. In order to resolve the problem, hehad to tell the Zend library that he wanted to render the result as a type of "Zend_Soap_Wsdl_Strategy_ArrayOfTypeComplex" for the conversion.