On the Zend Developer Zone today Cal Evans has posted his review of a book by Kevin Schroeder called "You Want to Do What with PHP?", a look at some of the less commonly used PHP functionality in action.
You Want to Do What with PHP?" isn't your usual PHP book. I am guessing that even advanced PHP developers don't have a book like this on their shelves as I've never read one that covers quite this variety of material. Kevin talks about a lot of topics that we politely call "Edge Cases" for PHP developers. [...] This book guides you through building things like your own stream handler, asynchronous operations and my personal favorite, writing Daemons in PHP.
Cal covers both the good and the bad about the book. Among the things lacking are no real "ease into it" introduction and a debugging chapter that feels like an ad for Zend Studio. On the good side, the book provides a enterprise-level developer with a whole new toolset they might not have tried out before.