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Gonzalo Ayuso's Blog:
PHP Template Engine Comparison
Jan 17, 2011 @ 14:16:37

In a new post to his blog Gonzalo Ayuso has put together a comparison of a few PHP templating alternatives out there developers can use to further separate the view logic from the main parts of their application.

Template engines has a lot of features but I normally only use a few of them and the other features very seldom. In this performance test I will check the same features under different template engines to see the syntax differences and the performance. The template engines selected for the test are Smarty, Twig and Haanga.

He does some testing with each, creating a basic template to loop and create a basic table (template code and PHP code included) as well as an example using template inheritance with each. The reports of his tests are shared at the end with stats for memory used and execution time for both the normal templates and the inherited versions - but you'll have to check out the post for those results.

tagged: template engine compare benchmark twig haanga smarty


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