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Facebook Graph API Connect with PHP and Jquery
Jan 27, 2011 @ 15:20:26

In a new post to the 9Lessons blog Srinivas Tamada shows how to connect your application to the Facebook Graph API with the PHP you're already using and jQuery. (You'll need to set up a Facebook application to be able to follow along)

Last few days I have been working on labs.9lessons to connecting Facebook Graph API access token system, it’s very interesting. This post I had presented in easy way to connect and read the Facebook home timeline with PHP and Jquery. Explained how to store facebook token and user id hope you like it.

He shows you how to set up a simple database for storing the Facebook tokens for users, make the connection to the API and the PHP scripts he's created - a hander for the sessions redirect from Facebook, a "home" page for the application to use and a database connection script. He also includes a bit of CSS to style things better than the defaults.

tagged: facebook tutorial api graph connect jquery application


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