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Wojciech Sznapka's Blog:
Fully isolated tests in Symfony2
Jun 15, 2011 @ 16:18:49

Wojciech Sznapka has a new post to his blog today looking at his creation of fully isolated tests as a part of a Symfony2 application. He talks about two issues he recently solved with testing services in this popular framework.

The most important thing you should provide with your re-usable bundles is unit tests set. Lately I solved two major cases which Symfony2 hasn’t got out of the box: testing services, defined in Dependency Injection Container and running model tests with fixtures in fully isolated environment.

He includes code snippets for both solutions - a BaseTestClass for working with dependency injection testing and a ModelTestCase class that, in the setUp(), loads in the required fixtures so the test can be completely isolated.

tagged: symfony2 isolated unittest dependencyinjection fixtures doctrine2


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