7php.com has posted their latest interview with a member of the PHP community - Chris Hartjes, the "grumpy programmer".
In this edition I talked with Chris Hartjes (@grmpyprogrammer), the co-organizer of the GTA PHP User Group (@gtaphp). Chris is a real Grumpy PHP Programmer! But grumpy in a very positive sense though. He focuses his effort in applying and transcending his best practice ideals with the codes he write. I would tag him as the "perfectionist programmer"; he will not hesitate to scrap his piece of work if he finds a fault or a room for improvement and start all over again with that "eye for perfection". In this interview, he will talk a bit about those coding best practices fortunately.
Chris answers questions about:
- His history with PHP
- His favorite PHP book
- What tools he uses (IDE)
- His description of the PHP community
- His favorite conference
You can read the answers to these and more in the full interview.