In the wake of the official release of PHP 5.4 Sebastian Marek has made a quick post to his blog about bringing PHP_CodeSniffer rules help bring his code up to date with this latest version.
So with PHP 5.3 upgrade underway (and PHP 5.4 out of the door now!) I thought it’s time to prepare for PHP 5.4 and make sure we’re compatible. So by looking at Wim Godden’s PHP53Compatibility code sniffs I have created a base for PHP 5.4 sniffs that we want to use to make sure we’re compatible.
Sniffs included in set are:
- PHP54Compatibility_Sniffs_PHP_BreakContinueVarSyntaxSniff
- PHP54Compatibility_Sniffs_PHP_DeprecatedFunctionsSniff
You can grab this custom set of sniffs either from his github repository or from his personal PEAR channel if you'd rather install it that way (alpha channel).