Lukas Smith is looking for feedback about a question that's been in his mind a lot lately - can the handling of query parameters be made better for the Symfony2 framework (and even easier to use).
Obviously you can already access query parameters today already but it could be easier. Essentially what I want is a way for developers to easily configure what query parameters they expect and what values they expect. This is useful for several things like easier reading and validating of query parameters, self documenting API both for API docs for humans but also for machines.
He's asking for feedback and ideas from the community on a proposed solution that could make things more flexible. He also briefly mentions the route matching and how qurey parameters could cause them not to match:
For one I don't think that a mismatch on a route requirement of a query parameter cause the route to not match. However then it can quickly become confusing for the end user or it would require adding more and more syntax to handle all the different cases.