In his latest post Brian Moon responds to another "PHP versus..." article from this site comparing it to Node.js and how it's less of a valid comparison and more of an "apples to oranges" comparison.
I normally don't do this. When I see someone write a blog post I don't agree with, I often just dismiss it and go on. But, this particular one caught my attention. It was titled PHP vs Node.js: Yet Another Versus.
He points out some of the problems with some of the arguments, specifically with some of the points made about Gearman, memcache, the site and the creation of daemons in PHP.
Listen, I write code in PHP and JavaScript all day. I also use some Ruby, Lua and even dabble in C. I am not a language snob. Use what works for you. I do however take exception when people write about things they clearly have no idea about.