The folks over at Engine Yard have launched a new PHP-related effort to try to do their part to help out PHP user groups all over the world - a new program that aims to provide user groups with support via a direct link with their leaders.
Since Engine Yard was formed, we’ve had a deep commitment to supporting the open source community. [...] What was missing, though, was a more organized way to reach out to PHP User Groups to offer our support. We didn’t really have a consistent way to connect with user group leaders. That’s why we’re starting a PHP User Group Program.
User group leaders that sign up will get a monthly email describing the benefits available to your group, a list of upcoming events or conferences your attendees might be interested in as well as information on getting occasional swag/sponsorship for your group.
We’ll also be highlighting a PHP User Group of the month, which will entail a blog post about your group, a visit from us and some extra special goodies for your members.
If you're a user group leader, you can get involved by signing up here and you'll be notified when you've been added.