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New features of PHP 5.5
Aug 27, 2013 @ 14:17:21

For those that might not had a chance to try out the latest major release in PHP (PHP 5.5), there's a new post to the ServerGrove blog talking about the new features and includes some sample code of each in action.

PHP 5.5 was released on June, 20th and soon after we made it available on ServerGrove VPS images. Since then, many users have upgraded their virtual servers to PHP 5.5 taking advantage of its performance improvements, bug fixes, and several of its new features. Here are some of the new features that stand out...

In his list of new features are things like:

  • generators
  • finally handling in exceptions
  • empty accepting expressions
  • array and string dereferencing
  • Class name resolution via "::class"
  • foreach support for list() and non-scalar keys
  • OPcache extension added
  • Password hashing API
  • GD

Some of the items in the list were added pre-5.5, but they're all in there now, so give it a spin in your application and try out some of these new features!

tagged: language features php55 performance bugfix

Link: http://blog.servergrove.com/2013/08/26/new-features-of-php-5-5

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