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Evolving code
Nov 01, 2013 @ 18:28:06

On Reddit.com today timoh has posted a "brief look back" at PHP's evolution to be "enterprise ready" and looks towards the future with some speculations as to what the coming years will bring to the language and its community.

I'm trying to evoke some disqussion about how we have come to the current point of life we have now going on in the PHP field, as an architectural decisions, design and best practices we use to build PHP based software today. [...] Of course PHP language itself has put some walls to design the software the way one would have liked, but still there are alot that could have been done better even "back in the days". At least "better" in a sense what it means today.

He points out that in recent years there's been a push in the community as a whole for things like SOLID/DRY principles, decoupled code and testing. He speculates about the future of things like the Symfony and Zend Frameworks (and the radical changes they both made from their version one to version two). Have your own thoughts about the evolution of PHP and where it might be headed? Share them here!

tagged: evolution code community principles symfony zendframework

Link: http://www.reddit.com/r/PHP/comments/1pofu1/evolving_code/

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