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Loosely Coupled Podcast:
Episode 3: Conference Conversations
May 01, 2014 @ 17:27:58

The Loosely Coupled podcast, with hosts Matt Frost and Jeff Carouth, has posted it's latest episode - Episode #3: Conference Conversations. This episode was recorded live at this year's Lone Star PHP conference.

Episode 3 of the Loosely Coupled podcast was recorded live at Lone Star PHP. Since we were at a conference, we decided to do a meta episode about conference experiences and speaking at conferences. This episode covers information from how Jeff and Matt got involved with the conference community all the way through some advice on submitting your first talks. If you have never been to a conference, find a way to get to one soon. It’s more than just the presentations.

Topics covered include PHPWomen, PHP Mentoring, Derick Rethans and NomadPHP. If you want to listen to this latest episode you can use the in-page player or you can download the mp3 directly.

tagged: conference conversations looselycoupled ep3 podcast

Link: http://looselycoupled.info/blog/2014/04/30/episode-3-conference-conversations/

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