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Qandidate.com Blog:
Handling AngularJS POST requests in Symfony
Aug 14, 2014 @ 16:09:13

The Qandidate.com blog has a quick new post today showing how to handle AngularJS requests with a Symfony framework based backend application. They automate the process of decoding the JSON from the Angular frontend to make it immediately usable to the framework backend.

At Qandidate.com we started using AngularJS last year and I have to say it was love at first sight! Two-way databinding, testability, dependency injection, server communication...awesome! Did I say server communication? We use Symfony 2 (which is awesome too) for our back end API’s. Unfortunately AngularJS and Symfony do not speak the same language out-of-the-box. In this post I will show you how we automatically decode JSON requests so we can use it with Symfony's Request object using our symfony-json-request-transformer library (or class actually).

They start with a simple JSON example and the action to handle it (the "postAction") and show the manual json_decode method. Instead of having to do this in each controller action, they define the Request transformer handler. This handler takes the incoming request and allows for modifications to various aspects of the request, including transforming the data. They've posted a full example here that includes the full stack, not just the transformer itself (to show the full flow of the request).

tagged: angularjs request symfony2 transform json request

Link: http://labs.qandidate.com/blog/2014/08/13/handling-angularjs-post-requests-in-symfony/

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