Here's what was popular in the PHP community one year ago today:
- SitePoint PHP Blog: Grumpy Programmer’s Testing Bundle: Review
- Voices of the ElePHPant: Sunshine PHP 2015 Wrap-Up
- So, what is PHP's nature? Anyone actually know exactly what it is?
- Laravel News: New community project Laravel Collective
- Servers for Hackers: Deployment with Envoy
- That Podcast: Episode 15: The first one where we follow-up on our goals for 2015
- What's New in Laravel 5
- Laravel News: Debug Your App with the Laravel Debugbar
- Anthony Ferrara: Scalar Types and PHP
- Stephan Hochdörfer: Configuring Xdebug and phpstorm for CLI debugging
- Loosely Coupled: Episode 19: How We Work
- Zend Blog: Continuous Delivery: The Benefits and Barriers of Automation
- Resonant Core: Building Secure Web Applications in PHP
- SitePoint PHP Blog: Push your Drupal Site’s Events to your Phone with Pushover
- PHP Town Hall: Episode 36: PSR-7 and the World of Tomorrow
- SitePoint PHP Blog: Introducing Pagoda Box – a PaaS just for PHP
- Phil Sturgeon: Meet the League
- Pascal Martin: In favor of RFC "Scalar Type Hints"
- PHP Town Hall: Episode 37: Sunshine Round-Hall? Town-Table?
- That Podcast: Episode 58: Life as a Software Developer with Keyvan Akbary
- Voices of the ElePHPant: It's the Booze Talking - Drupal