Here's what was popular in the PHP community one year ago today:
- PHP 5.6.6 is available
- Rob Allen: Routing to a controller with Slim
- SitePoint Web Blog: On Our Radar: PHP 7 Controversy and Dependency Injection
- php[architect]: February 2015 php[architect] Magazine Launched - "Other Shores"
- HHVM Blog: Announcing a Specification for Hack
- Laravel 5 Fundamentals (Screencast Tutorial Series)
- Release of PHP 5.5.22 & 5.4.38
- SitePoint PHP Blog: Introduction to Silex – A Symfony Micro-framework
- When You're Hacked in WordPress: Staying Safe Later On
- The ChangeLog Podcast: #142: Laravel PHP Framework with Taylor Otwell
- Voices of the ElePHPant: Interview with Ryan Weaver
- SitePoint PHP Blog: API Client TDD with Mocked Responses
- /Dev/Hell Podcast: Episode 56: Targeting the Amber Monochrome Market
- SitePoint PHP Blog: Discover Graph Databases with Neo4j and PHP
- Mathias Verraes: Form, Command, and Model Validation
- Acquia Podcast: New Wave PHP with Lorna Jane Mitchell
- Freek Lijten: Separating models and logic for storing and loading
- SitePoint PHP Blog: Adding Social Network Features to a PHP App with Neo4j
- When You're Hacked in WordPress: Dealing With a Hacked WordPress Site
- Barry vd. Heuvel: Using StackPHP middleware in Laravel5