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Community News:
Latest PECL Releases (06.14.2016)
Jun 14, 2016 @ 13:05:02

Latest PECL Releases:

  • ssh2 1.0
    - Release for PHP 7 (Sean DuBois)

    • Made win32 builds depend on zlib and openssl extensions (Credomane Evonguard)
    • Add blocking call to php_ssh2_direct_tcpip (Credomane Evonguard)
    • Added explicit ssh2_disconnect function (Credomane Evonguard)
    • Fixed bug #72150 - Fixing segfault when passing env variables (Krakjoe)
  • ssh2 0.13
    - Fixed bug #63660 php_ssh2_fopen_wrapper_parse_path segfaults - Fixed bug #63855 compilation fails on windows (patch from Erez H) - Fixed bug #64535 php_ssh2_sftp_dirstream_read segfault on error (Matt Pelmear) - Add reflection API support (Frédéric Hardy) - Add exit-status support for ssh2 file wrappers (Vladimir Zidar) - Fixed bug #58893 Unable to request a channel from remote host (Vladimir Zidar) - Fix segfault when trying to authenticate in servers that do not support authentication (none) (Felipe Weckx)
  • redis 3.0.0
    phpredis 3.0.0

    This version of phpredis supports cluster and is intended for php versions 7.0.0 and higher. To compile cluster-enabled phpredis for older versions of php, please use the 2.2.8 pecl package.

    A huge thanks goes out to Sean DuBois for doing all the work required to get phpredis working in php 7.0!

    -- Improvements ---

    • PHP 7 Support (Sean DuBois) [3159bd2, 567dc2f, daa4d9f, f2711e3, 9cb9d07, 9d51c89, 9ff8f49, 33bb629, cbdf65a, f30b7fd, c687a51, 6b3e773, 2bf8241, 771bd3d, 9221ca4, 4e00df6, e2407ca, 97fcfe6, 77e6200]
    • Redis Cluster support
    • Allow SINTERSTORE to take a single array argument again
    • IPv6 support

    --- Fixes ---

    • config.w32 fix (Jan-E) [495d308, c9e0b682]
    • Exception handling improvement (Jan-E) [314a2c3c]
    • Unit test fix for max int value (Jan-E) [659ea2aa]
    • unsigned long -> zend_ulong fix (Jan-E) [4d66e3d4]
    • Visual Stuio 14 fixes (Jan-E) [ea98401c]
    • Segfault fix when looking up our socket (ephemeralsnow) [0126481a]
    • Allow '-' and '+' in ZRANGEBYLEX (Patrick Pokatilo) [8bfa2188]
    • Documentation fixes (Ares) [54b9a0ec]
    • php7 related memory leak fix (Stuart Carnie) [b75bf3b4]
    • Potential segfault fix in cluster session (Sergei Lomakov) [661fb5b1]
    • php7 related serialization leak fix (Adam Harvey) [c40fc1d8]
  • hprose 1.6.5
    Fixed PHP 7.1 build.
  • imagick 3.4.3RC1
    - Fixes: * Imagick::transformImage and Imagick::orderedPosterizeImage now correctly excluded from * Bug 72311 - compiling against PHP 7.1. * Bug 72226 - regression for Imagick Exception classes being final on 7.x * Corrected reference of constants. Imagick::METRIC_MEANERRORPERPIXELMETRIC from MeanErrorPerPixelMetric to MeanErrorPerPixelErrorMetric. Imagick::METRIC_PEAKSIGNALTONOISERATIO from PeakSignalToNoiseRatioMetric to PeakSignalToNoiseRatioErrorMetric - Added: * function Imagick::identifyImageType() : int returns one of the Imagick::IMGTYPE_* constants * Imagick::INTERPOLATE_NEAREST_PIXEL for ImageMagick >= 7 * In ImageMagick, the names of two filter constants were corrected to the standard spelling. Support for the new spelling has been added. The old constants are left in place for legacy support. Legacy: FILTER_HANNING, new name: FILTER_HANN Legacy: FILTER_WELSH, new name: FILTER_WELCH * The Imagick::IMGTYPE_*MATTE* constants are deprecated for ImageMagick 7. Instead an appropriate Imagick::IMGTYPE_*MATTE* should be used. IMGTYPE_GRAYSCALEMATTE => IMGTYPE_GRAYSCALEALPHA IMGTYPE_PALETTEMATTE => IMGTYPE_PALETTEALPHA IMGTYPE_TRUECOLORALPHA => IMGTYPE_TRUECOLORMATTE IMGTYPE_COLORSEPARATIONALPHA => IMGTYPE_COLORSEPARATIONMATTE IMGTYPE_PALETTEBILEVELALPHA => IMGTYPE_PALETTEBILEVELMATTE * Several ALPHACHANNEL_* constants are only available in ImageMagick < 7 IMAGICK_REGISTER_CONST_LONG("ALPHACHANNEL_RESET", ResetAlphaChannel); IMAGICK_REGISTER_CONST_LONG("ALPHACHANNEL_COPY", CopyAlphaChannel); IMAGICK_REGISTER_CONST_LONG("ALPHACHANNEL_OPAQUE", OpaqueAlphaChannel); * Several ALPHACHANNEL_* constants are only available in ImageMagick >= 7. These constants re-use the values of the constants removed. IMAGICK_REGISTER_CONST_LONG("ALPHACHANNEL_ON", OnAlphaChannel); IMAGICK_REGISTER_CONST_LONG("ALPHACHANNEL_OFF", OffAlphaChannel); IMAGICK_REGISTER_CONST_LONG("ALPHACHANNEL_DISCRETE", DiscreteAlphaChannel);
  • PDO_INFORMIX 1.3.2
    Added the php 7 support
  • redis 2.2.8
    phpredis 2.2.8

    The main improvement in this version of phpredis is support for Redis Cluster. This version of phpredis is intended for versions of php older than 7.

    In addition there have been many bug fixes and improvements to non cluster related commands, which are listed below.

    I've attempted to include everyone who contribued to the project in each fix description and have included names or github user ids.

    Thanks to everyone for submitting bug reports and pull requests. A special thanks to Remi Collet for helping with any and all packaging related issues


    --- Improvements ---

    • Added randomization to our seed nodes to balance which instance is used to map the keyspace (Vitaliy Stepanyuk) [32eb1c5f]
    • Added support for IPv6 addresses

    --- Fixes ---

    • PHP liveness checking workaround (Shafreeck Sea) [c18d58b9]
    • Various documentation and code formatting and style fixes (ares333, sanpili, Bryan Nelson, linfangrong, Romero Malaquias, Viktor Sz?pe)
    • Fix scan reply processing to use long instead of int to avoid overflow (mixiaojiong).
    • Fix potential segfault in Redis Cluster session storage (Sergei Lomakov) [cc15aae]
    • Fixed memory leak in discard function [17b1f427]
    • Sanity check for igbinary unserialization (Maurus Cuelenaere) [3266b222, 5528297a]
    • Fix segfault occuring from unclosed socket connection for Redis Cluster (CatKang) [04196aee]
    • Case insensitive zRangeByScore options
    • Fixed dreaded size_t vs long long compiler warning
  • event 2.1.0
    Add: EventUtil::SOCK_RAW constant Add: EventSslContext option constants: OPT_REQUIRE_CLIENT_CERT and OPT_VERIFY_CLIENT_ONCE Fix: EventBufferEvent::createPair caused segmentation fault in PHP7 SSL Fixes: - chained self-signed certificate failed to pass with EventSslContext::OPT_ALLOW_SELF_SIGNED = TRUE - the server didn't set the list of CAs to be sent to the client when requesting a client certificate for underlying SSL structure - EventSslContext::OPT_ALLOW_SELF_SIGNED = TRUE accepted any self-signed certificate without regard to OPT_CA_FILE/OPT_CA_PATH Fix: PHP 7.1.0alpha1 build errors
  • eio 2.0.0
    Fixed #6: PHP 7.1 build failed due to removed zend_fcall_info.symbol_table
  • APCu 5.1.5
    - fix version check in control panel page (gh#182, lennartwesdijk) - do not create null strings, palloc may fail


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