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Cal Evans:
Public Speaking: A Conference Organizer’s Perspective
Jul 04, 2016 @ 15:55:25

For those interested in how things work "behind the scenes" at technology conferences and how it looks from an organizer's perspective, Cal Evans has put together a video to share his own experiences.

My good friend Adam (@adamculp) and I spent a few minutes answering questions about how talks are selected in a [Call for Papers]. If you’ve ever wondered, about the process, give it a listen.

The recording was of a live Google Hangouts session they did a while back answering both some of the common questions people have and questions from their viewers. They talk about the Call for Papers process, how they've selected talks in the past and the role that passion plays. There's also discussion about speaker experience, diversity and how to find out the interest level of you topic. There's plenty more mentioned in the video as well, so if you're considering submitting to a technology conference be sure to give it a listen (well, watch...it is a video after all).

tagged: public speaking conference organizer perspective calevans adamculp video qa

Link: https://blog.calevans.com/2016/06/29/public-speaking-conf-organizers-perspective/

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