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/Dev/Hell Podcast:
Episode 80: Lifestyles of the Moderately Privileged and Internet Famous
Aug 03, 2016 @ 14:55:01

The /Dev/Hell podcast, hosted by PHP community members Chris Hartjes and Ed Finkler, has posted their latest episode - Episode #80: Lifestyles of the Moderately Privileged and Internet Famous

This episode, Chris remembers his feline companion and Office Manager who passed away recently. Then we get into an insanely long discussion of travel tips and horror stories.

You can listen to this latest episode either through the in-page audio player or by downloading the mp3 directly. If you enjoy the show, be sure to subscribe to their feed too and get the info on the latest shows as they're released.

tagged: devhell podcast ep80 internet famous chrishartjes edfinkler

Link: http://devhell.info/post/2016-08-02/lifestyles-of-the-moderately-privileged-and-internet-famous/

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