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Community News:
Latest PECL Releases (12.20.2016)
Dec 20, 2016 @ 14:05:03

Latest PECL Releases:

  • pdo_sqlsrv 4.0.8

    • SQLSRV_ATTR_FETCHES_NUMERIC_TYPE attribute support.
    • Unicode Column name support. [Fixed]
    • Fixed precision issues when double data type returned as strings using buffered queries.
    • Fixed issue with buffered cursor in PDO_SQLSRV driver when CharacterSet is UTF-8.
    • Fixed segmentation fault in error cases when error message is returned with emulate prepare attribute is set to true.
    • Fixed issue with empty output parameters on stored procedure.
    • Fixed memory leaks in buffered queries.
  • sqlsrv 4.0.8
    [Added] - Unicode Column name support. [Fixed] - Fixed issue with buffered cursor in PDO_SQLSRV driver when CharacterSet is UTF-8. - Fixed issue with empty output parameters on stored procedure. - Fixed memory leaks in buffered queries.
  • swoole 1.9.2
    - Fixed zend_mm_heap corrupted on PHP7 - Fixed Async::writeFile parameter FILE_APPEND is invalid on MacOS - Disabling Async::writeFile Use the FILE_APPEND parameter in LinuxAIO mode - Added websocket_subprotocol option WebSocket server supports setting Sec-WebSocket-Protocol - Fixed CentOS 4.3 or lower operating system does not exist O_CLOEXEC causes compilation to fail - Fixed server tasking_num overflow bugs - Added ucwords parameter to response header method
  • vld 0.14.0
    - PHP 7.0 and 7.1 support - Fixes for dead code and path analysis
  • request 1.0.0b1
    • ServerRequest::$forwarded property, computed from $_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED']

    • ServerRequest::$forwarded(For|Host|Proto), computed from $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED(FOR|HOST|PROTO)']

  • rdkafka 3.0.0
    * Unified code for PHP versions 5 and 7. This package builds and works on PHP 5.3 through PHP 7.x.
  • crypto 0.3.1
    * Fixed segfault on PHP 5 in setting KDF key length and PBKDF2 iterations
  • redis 3.1.0
    phpredis 3.1.0

    In this version of phpredis codebase was unified to work with all versions of php o/ Also many bug fixes and some improvements has been made.

    --- Improvements ---

    • Support the client to Redis Cluster just having one master (andyli) [892e5646]
    • Allow both long and strings that are longs for zrangebyscore offset/limit (Michael Grunder) [bdcdd2aa]
    • Process NX|XX, CH and INCR options in zAdd command (Pavlo Yatsukhnenko) [71c9f7c8]

    --- Fixes ---

    • Fix incrby/decrby for large integers (Michael Grunder) [3a12758a]
    • Use static declarations for spl_ce_RuntimeException decl (Jeremy Mikola) [a9857d69]
    • Fixed method call problem causes session handler to display two times (ZiHang Gao) [24f86c49]
    • psetex method returns '+OK' on success, not true (sitri@ndxbn) [afcd8445]
    • Fix integer overflow for long (>32bit) increments in hIncrBy (iyesin) [58e1d799]
    • Move zend_object handler to the end (Michael Grunder) [34107966]
    • Using setOption on redis array causes immediate connection (Pavlo Yatsukhnenko) [f1a85b38]
  • crypto 0.3.0
    * Fixed compilation with OpenSSL 1.1 and PHP 7.1 * Added KDF abstract class to be a parent for all key derivation function classes * Added PBKDF2 class extending KDF class and implementing PBKDF2 * Renamed HashException code ALGORITHM_NOT_FOUND to HASH_ALGORITHM_NOT_FOUND * Renamed MACException code ALGORITHM_NOT_FOUND to MAC_ALGORITHM_NOT_FOUND
  • mongodb 1.2.2
    ** Bug * [PHPC-849] - Cursor::setTypeMap() leaks current element if called during iteration * [PHPC-851] - Segfault when ReadPreference tag sets are an immutable array * [PHPC-852] - Do not depend on date and standard extensions in config.w32 * [PHPC-853] - config.w32 fails to generate all libmongoc and libbson version constants * [PHPC-854] - Client persistence crashes with ZTS (e.g. Apache)
  • mcrypt 1.0.1
    - The mcrypt extension as it was in PHP 7.1, before it was removed from core.
  • Weakref 0.3.3
    - Restore dtors to prevent crash in multi-requests scenario


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