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Laravel Daily:
Can Laravel Be Used for Big Enterprise Apps?
May 02, 2017 @ 15:12:42

On the Laravel Daily site there's a post that looks to answer a question often posed about any framework but, in this case, about Laravel - can Laravel be used for big enterprise apps?

Yesterday I’ve listened to a new Laravel Podcast episode with Taylor Otwell, Jeffrey Way and Matt Stauffer – and they (finally) talked about creating big apps with Laravel, lately this question is asked a lot by everyone. So is Laravel “fit” or “mature enough” for big projects? Since the podcast guys don’t provide a transcript, and listening to 50 minutes can be an overkill, I decided to write a summary, quoting the conversation and dividing the answers into more readable format like Q&A and bullet points, also relevant links. So, let’s dive in!

The post is then divided up into a few of the topics involved in Laravel being used for larger applications:

  • What is a big app?
  • So can Laravel be used for big apps?
  • People are irrational
  • Enterprise world
  • Any examples of big Laravel apps?
  • It’s not about the framework
  • Ok, so how to build big apps?

For each point there's a comment from the episode with their own response (sometimes more than one, just depending on the subject).

tagged: laravel enterprise application podcast topics transcript

Link: http://laraveldaily.com/can-laravel-used-big-enterprise-apps-summary-laravel-podcast/

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