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Implementing Laravel’s Authorization on the Front-End
Sep 27, 2017 @ 15:15:56

On the Pineco.de site there's a tutorial posted showing you how to implement the Laravel auth system on the frontend re-using the same logic in a single-page Vue.js application as you would on the backend.

If you are using Laravel, probably you are familiar with its ACL. You can easily restrict user’s access by creating policies and binding them to the specific models. It works perfectly on the back-end, but what can we do if our app is something like an SPA?

The post starts with a brief overview of the Laravel ACL handling as it relates to users and policies about what they can do or access. The frontend setup then makes use of a "cheap copy" of the Laravel "gate" handling via a Javascript-based request. They walk you through the preparation work you'll need and the creation of a gate class to define the current policies for CRUD methods. The main "Gate" class is then defined, setting up the before, allow and deny action methods. Finally these pieces are integrated into the Vue.js application with an example of either showing or hiding the "Edit" link based on the user permissions.

tagged: laravel authentication gate frontend vuejs tutorial gate logic javascript

Link: https://pineco.de/implementing-laravels-authorization-front-end/

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