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Symfony Blog:
Interview with Pawel Jedrzejewski, founder of Sylius project
Oct 24, 2017 @ 18:45:01

The Symfony blog has a new post featuring an interview with Pawe? J?drzejewski, the founder of the Sylius project - an ecommerce platform based on the Symfony components.

Sylius, an e-commerce project based on Symfony components, recently released its 1.0.0 stable version. After several years of work and thousands of commits from hundred of contributors, Sylius is now ready to take the e-commerce world by storm. We chatted with Pawe? J?drzejewski, founder and leader of the project, to celebrate this milestone.

In the interview Pawe? answers questions about the project itself, why it stands out from some of the other ecommerce projects, the state of ecommerce and why they chose Symfony components as the base for the project.

tagged: symfony interview sylius ecommerce platform component

Link: http://symfony.com/blog/interview-with-pawe-jdrzejewski-founder-of-sylius-project

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