Latest PECL Releases:
- datadog_trace 0.62.1
### Fixed- Add linux/securebits.h to CentOS docker container, to have it present in linux build artifacts #1286
- Handle an additional case of capabilities being dropped within our background sender #1287
- uopz 7.0.0
- Fix #145 uopz_find_hook segfault with PHP 8.0 - Fix #140 segfault with PHPUnit 9.5 caused by uopz_del_function - Don't remove methods of immutable classes - PHP 8 support - Drop PHP 7 support - couchbase 3.2.0
PCBC-750: Deprecate `getScope` in collections manager. PCBC-725: Add support for collections to Full Text Search. PCBC-764: Serialize `BooleanSearchQuery->mustNot` to `"must_not"`. PCBC-709: Add scope level analytics queries. PCBC-732: Expose partition information for query indexes. PCBC-733: Add analytics index manager. PCBC-769: Do not allow using CAS with counter operations, which are always atomic. PCBC-767: Fix URL for collection create method. PCBC-738: Add `preserveExpiry` support for mutations (`replace`, `upsert` and `mutateIn`). PCBC-700: Manage remote links for analytics service. PCBC-706: Provide tracing interface. PCBC-743: Provide metrics interface.