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Seagull Reviewed in PHP Solutions Magazine
Sep 16, 2005 @ 18:28:36

Demian Turner of PHPKitchen.com has posted this new item concerning a review of their framework, Seagull, in the latest PHP Solutions magazine.

Congratulations to Werner M. Krauss for putting the article together and liaising with the publisher, and many thanks to PHP Solutions for allowing us to distribute the free PDF versions of the article from this site. PHP Solutions magazine is available all over Europe (except the UK) from your favourite magazine store or from their website.

One can also buy the magazine, the current issue is titled Framework vs. CMS and also includes great articles about other frameworks like PRADO and CMSs like eZ publish and includes some free books on their CD, eg, PHP5 Power Programming.

It looks like the magazine only has a few issues, but if they keep up with the quality content like this then there just might be another good, quaility PHP publication coming up through the ranks.



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