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Richard Davey's Blog:
Prepare for PHP 6
Nov 24, 2005 @ 11:27:01

Over on his blog today, Richard Davey has this new post with his look forward to PHP6 and what it means for all developers out there.

As you may be aware the core PHP group of developers all met in Paris on November the 11th and 12th 2005. The minutes from the meeting are fascinating reading, but there is a lot to go through. So I've gone through all of the points raised and chewed them over from a developers point of view. Your comments as always are welcome.

Items he talks about include: unicode support, register globals finally getting the boot, safe mode going with it, some extensions that are moving outside the core, as well as some changes to the core itself. Check out his post for all the info...

tagged: version six unicode register_globals core extension version six unicode register_globals core extension


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