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PHP stats for November 2005
Dec 06, 2005 @ 13:10:38

Damien Seguy wrote in today to let us know that he's posted the latest PHP stats over on Nexen.net today.

I just published the latest PHP stats:

  • PHP 4.4.x show impressive growth during last month, taking scores of web sites from PHP 4.3.11 and 4.3.10. Users are migrating in spite of BC break.
  • PHP 5.x rises again, almost reaching 5%, following the trend of the previous monthes. PHP 5.1, published late during the month, had no time to have impact.
  • PHP keep it's level of usage even with complex architectures: domains covering 2 or more IP are even showing a slightly higher usage of PHP: 1% to 38% of total.

There's much more posted on the page, including some graphs showing a very large presence of PHP on the internet, how many users are using what versions, and where the highest concentrations of PHP usage are (by country).

tagged: statistics november 2005 statistics november 2005


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