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Chris Shiflett's Blog:
JApacheCon (Power PHP Testing talk)
Dec 14, 2005 @ 12:47:54

On Chris Shiflett's blog today, there's his update from this year's ApacheCon (or, as he calls it, "JApacheCon" for all the Java that's "infested it"). The post talks about his and Geoff Young's tutorial - Power PHP Testing.

On Sunday, Geoff Young and I gave our tutorial, Power PHP Testing, which went really well. Most of the attendees had PHP experience and no testing experience, so it was a perfect fit.

We covered testing theory as well as some practical examples using phpt, Simple-Test, PHPUnit, and (of course) Apache-Test. We have tarballs for each framework that provide everything you need (I'll link to these in another post), including a Makefile so that make test runs your test suite.

In the talk, they tried to make each framework "shine", pointing out the highlights of each as a standalone method - not in comparison to the others. He also mentions how each was presented and what the largest difference between them is...

tagged: apachecon power testing phpunit phpt apache-test apachecon power testing phpunit phpt apache-test


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